Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  
Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  

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Chicago, IL


Vernal 2021 is available now!


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Vernal 2021 is available now!

Cody Hudson


Citrus paradisi……..

Or, grapefruit, as we commonly call it, is a relatively young citrus - believed to be a hybrid of sweet orange and pomelo, and first propagated in the Caribbean in the 1700’s.

Delightfully aromatic, tart, and fruity, it is used like many other citruses - as the punctuation and flair in desserts, in salads, as juice, and in marmalades. We enjoy it in classic cocktails such as Paloma and Salty Dog and in cultured modern drinks like Sasha Petraske’s Shifting Sands.

Always loving grapefruit’s tunefulness with Letherbee Original Label Gin, we found this the perfect time to further explore the relationship and to create a dry yet fruity gin, poised for this summer’s airy and bright cocktails. Focusing on fresh aromatics, we exclusively use the zest (otherwise called flavado!) from fresh fruits. More specifically, around 170 pounds of fresh zest mingled with juniper, coriander, cardamom and other herbs in each distillation yielding 150 gallons of final gin. In total, we are macerating around 700 pounds of fresh grapefruit peel and distilling approximately 600 gallons of Vernal 2021 into roughly 3000 bottles (250 cases).

As a study in grapefruit, Letherbee Vernal 2021 will work beautifully in classic (and variations of) cocktails that are fruit driven, floral, and refreshing (such as an Aviation, Corpse Reviver No. 2, French 75, & Gimlet,) as well as with bitter drinks that take well to citrus (such as Negroni and Martinez riffs).

Available now at your favorite liquor store, bars and restaurants.