Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  
Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  

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Chicago, IL


2016 Vernal is Out!


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2016 Vernal is Out!

Cody Hudson

Taking cues from Eclectic Medicine and herbal remedies, R.Franklin awakens Letherbee's 2016 Vernal Gin into a golden sunrise of chamomile and honey.  Slight sweetness is tempered by lemon and mandarin orange peel while young milky grass hurls itself upward from a bed of the winter's decay.  Himalayan sea salt echos the brine of Muscadet which all hangs on the backbone of Echinacea root and Letherbee's Original Gin botanicals.  This batch was finished on April 29 and yields 235 cases.

Limited availability.  Please inquire with your regular Letherbee supplier.

photos: Colin Beckett