Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  
Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  

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Chicago, IL


2015 Vernal Gin Is Here!


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2015 Vernal Gin Is Here!

Cody Hudson

Remember in April when spring was a check that got lost in the mail?  The weather has finally broken and we have a new limited-release gin to help shake off the winter’s stubborn rigor and celebrate the solstitial harbinger of the Chicago summer we all love.

This season’s recipe variation is uniquely both rambunctious and relaxed. The 2015 Vernal Gin pays tribute to Paul McGee and the growing movement of Tiki he has spearheaded in both Chicago and in the greater culture of cocktails. Driven primarily by the tropical and savory profiles of papaya, pineapple, and toasted coconut, this gin exudes a lush bouquet of vanilla, pink peppercorn, and peeled rambutan. Its confident mid-palate unfolds a succulent blend of ripe persimmon and sunchoke, suspended by the recognizable Letherbee gin botanicals with a mouthfeel that blooms into a long, silky malolactic finish.

This is assuredly a cocktail gin, displaying a versatility that reaches across conventional spirit boundaries. So trade in your snow shovels for tiki torches and embrace the patio season by substituting this seasonal gin in a daiquiri, julep, or for a more florid martini.

Available in limited quantities now at select bars and liquor stores.